Thomas Family Tree

Clasina Thomas (1866 - 1941)

van den Boom

Clasina Thomas was the daughter of Walter Thomas and Maria Louiza van den Boom.

Clasina was born on Saturday 12 May 1866 in Ravenhead, Sutton, St Helens, Lancashire.

Clasina married William (Willie) Green on Tuesday 29 April 1890 in Low House Chapel, St Helens, near Liverpool, Lancashire.
The witnesses at the marriage were Henry Parr (William's brother-in-law) and Margaret Green (William's sister).
Clasina was 23 years old and William was 26 years old when they married.

She had the following children from her marriage to William (Willie) Green:

- Walter Green

born on 2 May 1892 in 87, Oxford Street, St Helens, Lancashire.

- Herbert Green

born on 9 October 1893 in 87, Oxford Street, St Helens, Lancashire.

- Jane Green

born on 13 September 1895 in 168, Greenfield Road, St Helens, Lancashire.

- Mary Green

born on 26 August 1896 in 168, Greenfield Road, St Helens, Lancashire.

- Margaret Green

born on 22 September 1898 in 125, Speakman Road, St Helens, Lancashire.

The places where she lived have been identified as:

From To Place Source of Information
1866    Ravenhead, Sutton, St Helens, Lancashire.  Note 1. 
1871    1, Bibbys Works, West Sutton, St Helens, Lancashire.  Census Data 
1881    85, Oxford Street, St Helens, Lancashire.  Census Data 
1890  1893  87, Oxford Street, St Helens, Lancashire.  Notes 4, 6 & Census Data. 
1895  1896  168, Greenfield Road, St Helens, Lancashire.  Note 7. 
1898    125, Speakman Road, St Helens, Lancashire.  Note 8. 
1901    135, Greenfield Road, St Helens, Lancashire.  Census Data 
1911    42, Lingholme Road, St Helens, Lancashire.  Census Data. 
1939    The Cottage, Broad Lane Whiston, Lancashire.  Census Data. 
1941    21, Carlton Street, St Helens, Lancashire.  Note 10. 

Clasina was a Dressmaker.

Clasina died when she was 75 years old, on Saturday 13 September 1941 in St Vincents Hospice, Old Swan, West Derby, near Liverpool, Lancashire.   The cause of her death was Cerebral Haemorrhage and Heart Failure.   William Green (her husband) was the informant of her death.

She was buried on Wednesday 17 September 1941 in St Helen's Cemetery, Rainford Road, St Helens, Lancashire.

She was buried in section 25, grave 168.

Her gravestone (see 'Pictures' link above) had the following inscription:

Sweet Jesus give rest to the souls

The beloved daughter of
William and Clasina Green
Who died Dec 18th 1900, aged 4 years

Jane, their beloved daughter
who died Nov 22nd 1895, aged 7 weeks

Jane Sharrock
Beloved sister of the above
William Green
Who died April 1st 1928, aged 83 years

Also Clasina Green the above
Who died Sep 13th 1941, aged 75 years

Also William Green the above
Died Dec 2nd 1943, aged 80 years

Clasiena was Catholic.

Notes - Sources of information:
1. Birth Certificate.
4. Marriage Certificate.
6. Birth Certificate of her sons Walter and Herbert.
7. Birth Certificate of her daughters Jane and Mary.
8. Birth Certificate of her daughter Margaret.
10. Death Certificate.

Census Data:

Year Address
1871 1, Bibbys Works, West Sutton, St Helens, Lancashire.
1881 85, Oxford Street, Windle, St Helens, Lancashire.
1891 87, Oxford Street, Windle, St Helens, Lancashire.
1901 135, Greenfield Road, St Helens, Lancashire.
1911 42, Lingholme Road, St Helens, Lancashire.
1921 42 Lingholme Road, St Helens, Lancashire.
1939 The Cottage, Broad Lane, Whiston, Lancashire.